miercuri, 19 octombrie 2016

Tourwizard - a virtual tour software

Yes - technology is constantly evolving and I am wondering if maybe our nephews are going to be able to raise their kids without even touching them - in fact... God knows what will happen with the people that live on this planet - what will happen with the planet itself or how the people of the future would define the entertainment. All those things will most certainly be wild guesses, or speculations - but today we already have the virtual worlds, virtaul applications, games, photo programs, virtaul tours and some more software solutions and hardware devices that evolved a lot and are proposing a new, revolutionary world that we could only dream of or read in some avangardist books (or maybe saw in the Star Trek series).

Oh well... nowdays in the company where I am working monday to friday we had to find, to evaluate, to make an internal review (for the management) related to the new trends that have emerged in the Real Estate industry in the last 20 years, and we have also included some things that would help in the future - so we tried our best to look into the future, only to find out wou far in the past we actually are, which is a bit discouraging - but fortunately we found this sooner than later.

So - we are a big company that is not using any kind of virtual tour software, a software that would be able to generate some great virtual tour presentations for our clients properties, which would allow them to make more impressions and to generate visits and interest more than in case of a standard, classic approach.

The conclusion was that we had to adopt a virtual tour generator as soon as possible and we choose Tour Wizard, which is a great solution, in fact... the best solution than money can buy.

vineri, 7 octombrie 2016

Cand si de ce sa inchiriem masini de lux

Exista numeroase momente si evenimente importante in viata noastra in care totul trebuie sa fie pus la punct pana la cele mai mici detalii pentru a iesi perfect. O nunta, un botez, o aniversare, toate pot fi de vis, iar unul dintre detaliile esentiale este modalitatea prin care iti vei face intrarea, o masina de lux fiind solutia cea mai potrivita. Sunt mai multe firme de rent a car in tara ce promit servicii foarte bune, insa Rentcarwithdriver se deosebeste prin experienta si seriozitatea angajatilor, precum si prin flota foarte dezvoltata de autoturisme, dispunand de cateva masini de lux de inchiriat.

Diversitate si lux

Un Mercedes S Klasse cu siguranta ca indeplineste preferintele chiar si ale celor mai pretentiosi clienti, marca germana fiind cea care de-a lungul anilor a impus standardele in materie de opulenta. Fiecare autoturism este bine pus la punct si pregatit inainte de livrare pentru ca orice client sa se bucure de cele mai bune conditii, iar evenimentele importante sa fie perfecte de la inceput pana la sfarsit.


Mai mult, exista numerosi oameni de afaceri ce calatoresc catre diferite orase ale tarii, iar sa detii un autoturism de lux este foarte costisitor, de multe ori fiind mai avantajos sa se apeleze la serviciul de masini de lux de inchiriat. Clientii nu mai au in vedere plata impozitelor si a asigurarilor RCA sau Casco, care in cazul autoturismelor scumpe pot sa depaseasca cu usurinta 10.000 de lei anual, sume ce pot fi economisite.


Chiar daca cele mai multe dintre acestea sunt dotate cu cutii de viteze automate, iar masinile sunt foarte usor de condus de catre oricine, mult mai confortabil este sa te bucuri de calatorie de pe scaunele pasagerilor. Asadar, Rentcarwithdriver propune si sofer personal pentru aceste autoturisme, ocazie cu care nu mai intervine grija sofatului.